Lesson 17 -- Jesus REFLECTED IN Me

If you were the human resource manager for Disney Land what kind of people would you hire? How would you want them to dress and conduct themselves? Discuss this in class.

1. Read the last phrase of Isaiah 43:12 and fill in the blank. “You are my _____________," declares the LORD, "that I am God.”
He has given us the responsibility to represent Him on this earth. Remember, you may be the only one through whom someone will see Jesus!

2. Look up 1 Corinthians 10:31 and fill in the blanks. “So whether you eat or drink or ______________ _______ ___, do it all for the ___________ ___ _______.”

3. What does it mean to “glorify God”?

4. What kinds of foods will help keep you healthy therefore glorifying God?

5. What kind of drinks does the Bible condemn? Leviticus 10:9; Proverbs 20:1; 23:31

Note that Jesus drank wine and the Bible does not condemn wine unless it is fermented. Wine in the Bible means grape juice. It can be fresh or fermented. Do you think Jesus made fermented wine at the wedding feast?

6. Do smoking or street drugs glorify God? Yes No

7. What should be our guide concerning entertainment, TV, reading etc.? Philippians 4:8 List at least 6 things.

8. Read 1 Corinthians 6:18-20. What should we run from?

Define Adultery

Define Fornication

9. What principle should govern our dress? 1 Timothy 2:9, 10

10. Where should our beauty come from? 1 Peter 3:1-4

11. What did God say to do with jewelry? Exodus 33:5, 6

12. How should we glorify God in our work?

13. Read Col 4:6 and fill in the blanks. “Let your speech always be with ______________, seasoned with ____________, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.”

14. What does God say about swearing? Exodus 20:7

15. What fruits does the Holy Spirit work in us? Galatians 5:22, 23 List 9 things.

16. Who does the Bible say that we should not associate with? Proverbs 22:24, 25

17. Read 2 Corinthians 6:14. What does it say about friends and marriage?

18. Read 2 Corinthians 3:18—4:2. How are you reflecting the glory of Jesus?

19. What areas of your life are not reflecting Jesus?

20. Read Ephesians 3:10 and 1 Corinthians 4:9 and discuss how broad our witness is.

21. There may be things that we say and do that are not sinful but may not reflect to the world the kind of image God wants to portray through the church. Can you think of some of these things? List them below.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Lesson 16 -- Jesus COUNSELS Me

In a previous lesson we learned that God, through the Holy Spirit, gives the church gifts to build up the church. One of those gifts is the gift of prophecy. There is mention of numerous prophets in the old and new testaments. Since all the other spiritual gifts continue to operate in the church it is reasonable to assume that God would also give this gift to the church today. In this lesson we will look at the work of a prophet and how we differentiate between a true and false prophet.

1. What will happen to those who believe His prophets? 2 Chronicles 20:20 “They will ___________________.”

2. Why can’t God talk to us directly? Isaiah 59:2

3. Can we expect the gift of prophecy to be present in the church today?
1 Corinthians 14: 1, 39

4. What did Jesus warn about in the last days? Mathew 24:11

5. How can we tell if a prophet is from God?

6. What is the work of a prophet?
a. Amos 3:7
b. Acts 13:1, 2
c. 1 Corinthians 14:3, 4
d. Ephesians 4:12
e. Acts 11:27-30
f. Acts 15:32

7. How does God speak to the prophets?
a. 2 Peter 1:20, 21
b. Numbers 12:6

8. What are the two characteristics of God’s people in the last days according to Revelation 12:17

9. What is the “The testimony of Jesus”? Revelation 19:10

Note: a testimony is what one tells or shares with someone or a court. Jesus reveals His testimony to us through His messengers, the prophets.

10. In 1845 God called a young sickly girl to give a message to God’s people. She was hesitant at first but later began her work as a “messenger” for God. Although she never claimed to be a prophet, Ellen Harmon (White) had over 2000 visions from God and helped to lead the Seventh-day Adventist church in its, missionary work, publishing work, medical work, and ministry and organization. E. G. White had only a 3rd grade education yet she wrote more than 80 books and thousands of articles and letters of counsel. Her peers recognized that she had the gift of prophecy.

11. When we read or hear of someone who might have the gift of prophecy, what should we do? 1 John 4:1

12. What are we told not to do in 1 Thessalonians 5:20, 21?

13. Should the writings of Ellen White be as authoritative as the Bible?


Ellen White always referred her students back to the Bible. She claimed that her writings were the lesser light leading to the greater light.

Please note that the Bible and Ellen Whites writings are thought inspired, not word inspired. In other words the prophet hears and sees the message from God then writes it in his/her own words. We must read them in that way. Also Ellen White wrote many letters of council to people with certain needs under different circumstances. Many of these counsels have been compiled into books. When reading her works, look for principles by examining the context, time, place, person to whom it was written, and circumstance of that testimony.

I invite you to read several of her books and decide for yourself if Ellen White was of God or from another spirit. The most popular books are: “Steps To Christ,” “The Desire of the Ages” and “The Great Controversy.”

Lesson 15 -- Jesus DEFENDS Me

Many people are afraid of the Judgment of God. Do we need to be afraid and worried about the judgment? According to what we have seen in Daniel, a judgment occurs between the rise of the Roman Papal power and the second coming of Jesus. If we compare the “cleansing of the sanctuary” with the “day of atonement” it is clear that this judgment began at the end of the 2300 days or 1844. Let’s look more closely at the judgment and see how special Jesus is during this time.

1 Read Acts 17:30, 31. Note that God has “fixed a day” for judgment. How does He Judge? Who will be the judge?

Read John 5:22-30
2. Who will be the judge in this text? Vs. 22, 27

If Jesus is your friend and He is your judge, do you need to be afraid in the judgment?

3. In verses 23 & 24 what two words describe how God’s people relate to Jesus the judge?

Jesus loves us. He wants us to be saved. If we trust Him to give us eternal life and we trust Him to change our characters, do we need to fear the judgment?

4. In verses 28 & 29 how many resurrections are there going to be?

5. In Revelation 20:11, 12 we see the resurrection of the dead (unrepentant sinners) after God’s children have been in heaven 1000 years (vs.4-7). What happens after this resurrection?

From what we have learned so far, there will be two judgments, one for the righteous and one for the unrepentant sinners. The first judgment must take place before Jesus comes in order to determine who will be saved. We call this the investigative judgment. The second one comes after the 1000 years and is to render punishment to those who have not trusted Jesus. This is called the executive judgment or the “great white throne judgment.”

6. According to Peter who is going to be judged first? 1 Peter 4:17

7. All of us have sinned so how can we be vindicated in the judgment?
Ephesians 2:8, 9; Hebrews 9:27, 28

8. By what standard are we judged? Romans 1:32

Note that the righteous decrees or ordinances of God are found in God’s Ten Commandments.

9. What else are we judged by? Revelation 20:13

10. If we are judged by our works how are we saved by grace? See Ephesians 2:9

Note that when we trust and love God completely, He causes us to do the good works. See 1 John 2:4-6

11. What else comes up in the judgment? Mathew 12:36, 37

12. Why are the wicked condemned in the judgment? Romans 1:32-2:2

13. Why don’t we have to fear the judgment? 1 John 4:16-18

14. Who will be our attorney in the judgment? 1 John 2:1

15. Read 2 Peter 3:9-18 and Hebrews 12:1-3. List all the things that these verses say we should do in preparation for Jesus’ return.

Lesson 14 -- Jesus INFORMS Me part 3

We will now turn our attention to the book of Revelation in the New Testament.
Please read Revelation 13:1-10.

1. What similarities do you see between this vision of John and the vision of Daniel in Daniel 7.

The Beast(s) came up out of the ____________. Dan. 7:3; Revelation 13:1

2. What other similarities do you see? Daniel 7:4-6; Revelation 13:2

3. What characteristics do you see in both Daniel 7:25 and Revelation 13:5-7?
a. “Spoke ___________________________”
b. “Made war with the _________________”
c. For how long? Dan 7:25 _____________ Rev. 13:5 _____________

Remember that in prophecy one day equals one year. Also in Bible times there were 30 days in one month and 360 days in one year. Note that in Revelation 13:5 the 42 months equals 1260 days or 1260 prophetic years. In Daniel 7:25 the term “time” is used. A time equals one year, times equals 2 years, and a half of time equals one half year, thus 3 ½ years give us 1260 days or 1260 prophetic years.

4. What political/religious power rose out of Rome that controlled most of Europe?

5. Who gave this beast its authority?

6. Who is the dragon? Rev. 12:9

7. What happened to the beast power? Rev. 13:3 It received a fatal ___________________.

8. What happened to the beast power after the 1260 years? Rev. 13:3, 12

9. After this papal power was healed and returned, how did the whole world react?

Read Revelation 13:11-18

10. In this vision the beast (animal) came up out the _____________.

Remember that water represents peoples (Rev. 17:15).

11. If water represents people and multitudes what do you think the “land” represents?

The beast power (papal) of Rev. 13:1-10 came to an end after the 42 months (1260 years) Don’t forget the principal that one day in prophecy means one year. 42 months X 30 days per month = 1260 days/years. The papacy gained its authority to rule in 538 and lost it authority in 1798, exactly 1260 years.

12. What country of small population was beginning to emerge around the end of this time?

13. What was the characteristic of this new beast? Rev. 13:11
Two _____________.
Was like a ________________.
Spoke like a ___________.

14. What did this new beast cause the people to do? Verse 12

15. What other things did this beast cause to happen?
Verse 14 It _________________;
Verse 15 Kills those who do not worship the ____________________.
Verse 16 To receive a __________ in the ____________ or _________________.

Remember that the book of Revelation is written in symbols. This is not a literal mark but means the following:
Mark in the hand = handshake. Those who go along with the beast power even though they do not believe it. They do this to avoid being killed.
Mark on the head = believes in the beast power and what it stands for.

16. What is the number of the beast’s name? Verse 18. If you add the Roman numbers of the name written on the Pope’s miter, VICARIUS FILII DEA it equals 666!

17. What are the characteristics of God’s people at this time? Revelation 14:12 "They keep the _____________________ of God and have the ______________ of ______________."

18. What commands of God did this papal power change? Exodus 20:4-11

19. Read the story of Daniel’s three friends in Daniel 3. Are you willing to be faithful to God’s commandments even though persecuted or threatened to be killed?

20. How does one receive the “faith of Jesus”? Romans 10:17

Lesson 13 -- Jesus INFORMS Me part 2

In Daniel 2 we saw a great image that the king had dreamed about. The different parts of the image represented the four world kingdoms and then a stone cut out of the mountain fell and crushed the image and the stone became very large and filled the whole earth. This stone represented the kingdom of God at the second coming. So we have the following:

Head of gold ------------------ Babylon
Breast & arms of silver --------Medo-Persia
Belly & thighs of bronze -------Greece
Legs of iron -------------------Rome
Feet of iron & clay ------------Divided countries
Rock crushes the image ------Second Coming

In Daniel 7 we saw four great beasts that come up out of the water. These beasts represent the same four kingdoms as in chapter 2 but add a new component. So we see the following:
Lion ----------------------------Babylon
Bear ----------------------------Medo-Persia
Leopard ------------------------Greece
Terrifying beast ----------------Rome
Little horn --------------------- Papal Rome (religious and civil power out of Rome)
Court sat, books opened --------The Judgment (verses 9, 10)
Son of Man coming -------------Second Coming (verses 13, 14)

Now we are going to see what chapter 8 adds to this picture of the future.
Read all of Daniel 8 before answering the next 7 questions.

1. What did the ram in verse 3 and 4 represent? See verse 20

2. What country followed Medo-Persia? Verse 21 Note that Alexander the Great died at an early age and his four generals divided up the country.

3. In verse 9 another horn emerges. What do you think this stands for? See the lists above.
Note the characteristics of this horn. Verses 11, 12 It magnified itself to be equal with _____________; It removed the _______________________. It threw down His (Christ’s) _______________; threw _______________ to the ground.

4. In what ways has the papal Rome power fulfilled this prophecy?

5. What was to happen at the end of the 2300 days (years)? Verse 14

Note: In Bible time prophecies, one day equals one year.
Note: the earthly sanctuary was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70 and remains in ruins to this day so this cannot be talking about the earthly sanctuary.

6. Where is the real Sanctuary? Hebrews 8:1, 2

Read all of Daniel 9 before continuing. The first half of Daniel 9 is Daniel’s prayer of confession for his people the Jews. Note how he includes himself as a sinner also. In verses 21-23 the angel Gabriel comes to Daniel to explain the vision---the vision of Daniel 8.
How much time did God give to the Jews to put an end to sin? Verse 24 Note: 70 weeks times 7 days per week = 490 days or years.

7. When would this time prophecy begin? Verse 25

Note: The command to rebuild Jerusalem was given in 457 BC.

8. How much time would lapse until the Messiah came? Verse 25
Note: 7 weeks + 62 weeks = 69 weeks (69 weeks x 7 days per week) = 483 days or years. 483-457+1 (because there was no 0 year) brings us to AD 27—the year Jesus was baptized.

9. What would happen to the Messiah after that? Verse 26

10. How long would the Messiah confirm the agreement with the people? Verse 27

11. What would the Messiah do in the middle of the week? Verse 27

Below the time line that follows, write on the slanted lines the events that were to happen.

457BC 27AD 30AD 34AD 1844

[_____490 years (Daniel 9) _____]

[______________2300 years (Daniel 8)_________________]

Medo-Persia __][____ Rome ________][____Papal Rome __]

In review we see the following:
Four world powers were to follow Daniel’s first vision.
The Messiah would come between the time of pagan Rome and papal Rome.
The sanctuary would be cleansed and the judgment would take place.
Jesus would come and set up His kingdom (2nd coming).

In lesson 14 we will learn more about the reign of papal Rome and the end of time.

Lesson 12 -- Jesus INFORMS Me part 1

All of us wonder about the future and what will happen next. Many fortune tellers try to predict what will happen next. Most are wrong. But does God want us to be left in the dark as to what the future holds? Fortunately, God has left us with the words of the prophets to help us know what His plan is for the future and who the major players are in the last days. In today’s lesson we will look at two prophecies of Daniel, a prophet of God.
Read all of Daniel 2 before answering the next 8 questions.

1. What nationality was Daniel, where was he, and what position did he have?

2. Why couldn't the other advisers tell the king his dream and interpretation?

3. What did King Nebuchadnezzar dream? He saw a great ____________ which had: Head of ___________; Arms and chest of ___________; Belly of ___________; Legs of _________; and feet of _______ and ________.

4. What happened to the image?

5. What did Daniel say the head of gold represented?

6. What do you think the rest of the statue parts represent?

Statue body part Nation Years (from History)

Head of Gold Babylon 606-538 BC
Chest and arms of Silver Medo-Persia 539-330 BC
Belly and thighs of Brass Greece 330-63 BC
Legs of Iron Rome 63 BC – 300? AD
Feet of Iron & Clay European nations 300? to present

7. What does the rock “cut out without hands” represent?

8. Has that happened yet? yes no

Read all of Daniel 7 before answering the rest of the questions.

9. What do the following symbols represent in prophecy:
Sea or Waters? Isa. 17:12; Rev. 17:15
The four beasts? Dan. 7:17

Comparing the prophecy of Daniel 2, 7, 8, 9 and Revelation 13 it can be determined that the four beasts of Dan 7 are the same nations/powers as in Daniel 2. See above chart. Note the characteristics of each beast and how that nation fits the description.

10. What are the characteristics of the four beasts of Daniel 7?
Lion---Wings of an ________ (wing represent speed)
Stood up and had a heart like a _________
Bear--Higher on one side, ribs in it’s _____________
Leopard---Four ___________ and four ____________
Terrible beast---____________, ___________, ____________, iron teeth, destructive, 10 horns (horns represent leaders or divisions)
Little Horn--- uprooted 3 horns, eyes of a man, spoke __________

11. In the middle of the section about the little horn what event takes place? See the last sentence of verse 10 and compare with verses 21, 22, 26

12. What else will this little horn power do? verse 25

Note: this little horn power had both civil and ecclesiastical powers

13. What power came out of Rome and had the above characteristics?

14. Who will inherit the everlasting Kingdom?

In Daniel 2 we learned:
· There would be four world kingdoms
· These nations that would not stick together
· God would set up His Kingdom after these nations
In Daniel 7 we learned:
That the same nations were represented
A time of judgment comes before Jesus appears.
Who the little horn power is that came out of Rome.

Daniel 8, 9, and Revelation 13 give us even a more clear picture of the future events. We will look at these prophecies in the next two lessons.

Lesson 11 -- Jesus DISCIPLINES me

We have all experienced discipline in one form or another. It may have been from parents, teachers or even from God. Why do we have to be disciplined? Is God trying to make our life difficult? It is how you react to discipline that will make the difference in your life. You can view discipline from the negative or positive side. Let’s explore what God’s word says about discipline.

1. Does God discipline us? Deuteronomy 8:5

2. How should we react to God’s discipline? Job 5:17 "_____________ is the man whom God corrects; so do not _______________ the discipline of the Almighty.”

3. What else does God do after He disciplines us? Job 5:18

4. When God gives us trials and disciplines us, what should our attitude be? James 1:2

5. What do these trials do for us? James 1:3, 4

6. Notice in James 1:12 what the person gets when they endure trials until the end.

Eternal life is not given as a reward for enduring trials; it is the discipline and training that leads us to trust in God. When we trust Him completely He gives us eternal life.

7. Why is severe discipline needed sometimes? Proverbs 20:30

God in His love for us wants us to have eternal life and peace on this earth. Sometimes we are not listening so He has to get our attention by strong trials. But remember, all trials do not come from God. Often they are a result of our own choices. Sometimes Satan is trying to get us discouraged. Whatever the trial, it is how we react to it that will determine the outcome.
The story is told of a grieving woman in China who visited a holy man and asked him to help her get over her intense sorrow. He told her to get a mustard seed from a home that had never experienced loss or sadness, for that would banish her grief.
The next day the woman visited from home to home in her city to find the seed, but she could not find one family that had not experienced some kind of tragedy. The more people she talked to, the more she began to feel a kinship with them. Finally this woman understood the holy man’s reason for finding the mustard seed. When you see the sorrow of others, your own problems do not seem so great.

8. What does the Bible tell to do when we are anxious and afraid? 1 Peter 5:7

9. After we have suffered for a little while, what will God do? 1 Peter 5:10

10. Read the promise in Isaiah 41:10,13. What will God do for you when you are enduring trials?

God has not promised skies always blue, flower strewn pathways all our lives through.God has not promised sun without rain,joy without sorrow, peace without pain.

But God has promised strength for the day, rest for the laborer, light on the way, grace for the trial, help from above, unfailing sympathy, and undying love.
Author Unknown

Lesson 10 -- Jesus IS COMING for me

When I was a child we lived in the country on a large farm. There were times when mom had to go to town to pick up a part for the farm or get supplies. When the sun went down and darkness set in I really missed my mom and could not wait until she returned. I remember pushing my nose against the living room window and watching every car go by in hopes that it was mom returning. What joy I felt when I saw those headlights turn into the driveway!
That is the way I feel about Jesus. Especially when things seem dark and bleak, I really am anxious for Him to return.

1. What promise did Jesus make before He went back to heaven? John 14:1-3

2. When is Jesus coming back? Matthew 24:36

3. So how do we know about when He will come again? Luke 21:25-28

4. Scan through Matthew 24 and find the signs that His coming is soon. Note if the sign has happened.


5. Why do we always need to be ready for His coming? Matthew 24:44

6. What will happen to those who have not accepted Jesus and trusted Him enough to obey Him? 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9; 2:8; Isaiah 11:4

7. What will happen to those who love and trust Jesus? 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

8. When do the righteous go to heaven? 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
(Circle one) At death At second coming

Most Christians believe that when a person dies they either go to hell or heaven. This idea came from Greek mythology where it was believed that the body has two parts, the outer fleshly body and an inward soul.

9. Read Genesis 2:7. Fill in the blanks. And the Lord God formed man of the __________of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the ___________of life; and man became a living __________. Notice, we don’t have a soul, we are a soul or a living being. The Bible tells us that the “spirit” or breath returns to God. This is talking about the life that God breathed into Adam. Life, an energy that keeps us alive, is God’s.

1o. How much do the dead know? Ecclesiastes 9:5
It is comforting to know that our deceased relatives are not suffering in hell or watching us from heaven. All will sleep in their graves until Jesus comes. They do not know anything. They do not know they are dead.

11. Read 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52. What two things happen to the righteous dead at the trumpet sound (second coming)? a.

12. When are the unrighteous dead resurrected? Rev. 20:5 “until the ____________ years were completed.”

A study of the Bible, particularly Revelation, tells us that at the second coming of Jesus all of the sinners who are alive will die. The sinners who are dead will stay dead. The righteous dead will be raised from the dead and ascend to heaven. The righteous living will also ascend to heaven. We will be in heaven for 1000 years. After the 1000 years we will come down with the New Jerusalem to this earth. The sinners will be raised to life and will meet their punishment of fire and eternal death. Then God will make all things new.

13. Read Revelation 21:1-4. In verses 3 and 4 what things can you find that are different from what we have now?

14. When Jesus comes, what does He bring with Him? Revelation 22:12

15. Discuss what you think heaven will be like. Write what you would like most about heaven.

Soon, Jesus is going to come. Only those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior and trust in Him to obey all His laws will be saved. We must make that decision now because when He comes it will be too late.

16. Do you want to go home with Jesus? Y or N
Are you willing to give up on self and trust Him to make you righteous? Y or N
Are you willing to always put Jesus first in your life? Y or N

Lesson 9 -- Jesus SHINES THROUGH me

Have you ever wondered why you were born? Maybe you even felt like you were not worth anything and that there was no purpose for your life. The good news is that we are here for a purpose and you are a special instrument in the hand of God for this special purpose.

1. What must happen before Jesus will come? Matthew 24:14

2. Just before Jesus went back to heaven, what did He tell His disciples to do? Matthew 28:19, 20

3. Why were you created? Isaiah 43:10
Isaiah 43:12

4. Read Luke 10:1-9. Jesus sent out seventy of His followers, why? v. 2

What were their instructions:
Sent out _______ by ________.
Do not take a ____________, or ______, or __________.... Why?
Do not greet ___________on the road. Why?
Verse 9 ________ the sick
Tell them, “The ____________ ____ _________ ___ __________ _______.”

5. What did the seventy followers come back with? Luke 10:17

God has called us to be His witnesses and sends us out to share the Good News about Jesus; but how do we do it? What tools has God given us? The first thing to remember is that when you are excited about something you share it. If you are not excited about it then sharing becomes a hard task. Are you excited about Jesus and what He had done for you?

6. The Holy Spirit has given each of us some gifts to witness for Him. How many gifts can you find in the following texts?
Romans 12:6-8
v.7 (example) Service Teaching
v.8 _________________ ___­­___________ ________________ __________________

1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 28 (discuss these verses in class to determine why we have been given gifts and who do they benefit.)
v. 8 _________________ __________________
v. 9 _________________ __________________
v.10 _________________ _________________________
____________________________ _________________________
__________________ ____________________________________
v.28 _______________ _______________ __________
_______________ _______________ ___________
_______________ _______________

Ephesians 4:11, 12
v. 11 ____________________ _____________________
____________________ ____________________

7. Can you choose what gift you want? Who chooses for you? 1 Corinthians 12:11

8. Why has God given us these gifts? Ephesians 4:12

9. Look at the gifts you listed in question 7. Which gifts do you think that God has given you?

Ask your friends, or others who understand these gifts, to tell you what gifts they think you have. Write them here.

10. How do you see yourself sharing Jesus this coming week?

Lesson 8 -- Jesus WITH me

Jesus loved to be with people. In fact one of the reasons He came to earth was to be with His children and lead them back to His Father. Jesus chose twelve disciples and was with them almost constantly before His ascension. Jesus loves to be with us! He wants to talk with us. He wants to hear your praise, your sorrows, your weaknesses and your concerns. How much time are you spending with Jesus?

1. What did Jesus often do? Mark 1:35

2. What example did the Bereans set for us? Acts 17:11

Jesus spends time with us when we study our Bibles and pray.
How do you think He feels when we don’t have time for Him every day?

3. Time with God is Holy time. What other time does God want us to spend with Him?
Exodus 20:8, 9

4. Since this time is important to God, what did He say not to do? Exodus 20:10 _______ Why?

5. God made the Sabbath at the end of creation week. What day was it? Genesis 2:1, 2

6. What two things did God do to the Sabbath or seventh day?

Some translations use the word “Sanctified” which means to make Holy. Things are Holy when God’s presence is in it. Only God can make something Holy!

7. Why was this day a special Holy day (holiday)? Exodus 20:11

8. Read the story in Numbers 15:32-36. What is wrong with gathering wood on the Sabbath?

9. Why do you think the punishment was so severe?

10. What example did Jesus give us in regard to the Sabbath? Luke 4:16

11. For whom was the Sabbath made? Mark 2:27 Why?

Most Christians believe that the Sabbath is on Sunday. Look at a calendar and count the days from the first day of the week to the last. What day is the seventh day?

12. Jesus died on Friday (some churches call it Good Friday). What is that day called in the Bible? Luke 23:54 Why?

13. According to the above text, what was the next day?

14. What did the women and the disciples do on Saturday, the Sabbath? verse 56

15. What happened on Sunday, the first day of the week? Luke 24:1-3

Nowhere in the Bible does it tell us that the Sabbath was changed from Saturday, the seventh day to Sunday the first day. It was changed by order of Constantine and the church leaders several hundred years later.
The Jews kept the Sabbath and they still do, but they made lots of rules on what the people cannot do on the Sabbath. For instance, they could not walk more than one half mile on the Sabbath. They could carry one handkerchief, but could not carry two as that would be work. They accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath when he healed people on the Sabbath.

16. Read Mark 2:23, 24 The church leaders (Pharisees) accused Jesus and the disciples of breaking the Sabbath. What were they doing?

Notice, the Pharisees where concerned about their interpretation of the law, but Jesus and the disciples were concerned about being together. We too can make up rules on how to keep the Sabbath but remember that the reason for the Sabbath is for us to spend time with Jesus.

Listed below are some activities. Which ones will take our attention away from Jesus and which ones will help us spend time with Him? Cross out the ones that will keep you from spending time with Jesus. Discuss your answers with your friends.
Watching TV
Playing Bible games
Watching Christians videos
Dirt bike riding
Hanging out with friends and playing games
Helping the poor and sick
Going to church
Working to support your family
Sharing Jesus with your neighbors
Cooking food for a Saturday night party
Going for a ride or hike in nature to see what God has made

What have you learned from this lesson that you did not understand before?

Lesson 7 -- Jesus PROTECTS Me

The Bible promises that God will be with us and never leave us. God also says that He will send His angels to guard us and protect us. But does that mean that no matter what we do that God will protect us. What if we choose to jump off a high building? Will He carry us down and gently place us on the ground?
Notice how Satan tempted Jesus after His baptism. Read from Mathew 4:5-7. “Then the devil took Him to the holy city and had Him stand on the highest point of the temple.
‘If you are the Son of God,’ he said, ‘throw yourself down. For it is written: "'He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.'"
Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'" The sin of putting God to the test like this is called presumption, coming from the word to presume. We presume that God will take care of us even though we do foolish things.
In this lesson we want to learn how God protects us. (Fill in the blanks)

1. “You are my __________ ___________ and my __________; I hope in Your ________. Depart from me, you evildoers, for I will keep the _________________of my God!” Psalms 119:114,115

2. God has given us laws to protect us. His Ten Commandment law protects our relationship with God and man. When you were a child your parents told you not to cross the street without looking both ways. Why? To keep you from being hit! Look up the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 and write how each law protects us and these relationships.

Relationship to God:
1st “You shall have no other gods before Me” _____________________________________________

2nd “You shall not make or worship idols” _____________________________________

3rd "You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain "_____________________________

4th “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy" ________________________________

Relationship to others:
5th “Honor your father and mother” ________________________________________________________________

6th “You shall not murder” _______________________________________________

7th “You shall not commit adultery” _________________________________________

8th “You shall not steal” _________________________________________________

9th “You shall not bear false witness” (lie) ____________________________________

10th “You shall not covet” (want what others have) _____________________________

As you can see from the above, God gave us His laws to protect us and our relationships. Why then is it so hard to keep His law? It is because we do not know and love Him as we should.

3. Write 1 John 5:3 in your own words ___________________________________________________________________

Before I was married I roomed with my wife’s brother. She did his laundry for him. What do you think she would have said if I asked her brother to ask her to do my laundry? She probably would has said, “Tell him to do his own laundry!” But after our marriage she loved to do my laundry, why? ________________________________________________________

4. In addition to our protection what else does God’s ten commandment law do for us? Romans 3:20 (last part) _________________________________________________

5. Since we are saved by grace through faith, does that mean that the law is done away with? Romans 3:31 Yes No (circle one)

6. What commandment do most other churches ignore? (see Exodus 20:8-11) __________

7. Can you see why God gave us His laws? Is it your desire to love Him so much that you will love to obey Him and always trust Him? Yes No (circle one)

8. Why is our obedience important to God? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 6 -- Jesus OWNS Me

As you realize by now, it is hard to let self die and to let Jesus take control of our lives. Even when we accept Jesus as our Savior we still hold on to some things which we want to control. One of those things is our bodies.
A man admitted himself to a health enhancement program. He wanted to lose weight, feel better, and be free from back pain. The man had a complete physical and was put on a program of natural foods, exercise, and physical therapy. When he was going over the treatment plan with the doctor the man said, “You can do anything you want with me except take away my pain medication.” The doctor knew that the patient was addicted to his pain medication and that the withdrawal symptom of the drug was back pain. He also knew that the patient would not improve in health unless the pain medication was stopped yet the patient was not willing to let it go.
How that is like us! God knows what is best for us yet there are things we won’t let go. “Lord, you can have me, but don’t touch my food!” “Lord, I love you, but if I have to give up my lifestyle my friends will leave me.” Sound familiar? Let’s see what God says.

1. To whom does our body belong? 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20; 1 Corinthians 3:23

2. In the text above, why can God claim this?

3. What is the meaning of “your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit”?

Notice also verse 18. Paul is talking about what kind of sin?

God is interested in our wellness, our happiness, and our protection from Satan. He loves you and wants all these things for you. Therefore, we must trust that He knows what is best for us.

4. Read 1 Peter 1:13-15. God, speaking through Peter, lists at least 6 things we should do. How many can you find?

5. God made our bodies so He knows what is good for us. What did He make for us to eat? Genesis 1:29

6. After the flood, God allowed man to eat meat. Why?

If you look at Genesis 11, you will see how after the flood, man’s lifespan became much shorter. Adam lived over 900 years and Abraham lived only 175 years.

7. What does He say we should not eat?
Leviticus 3:17
Leviticus 11:7
Leviticus 1l:10

8. Since the flood we have degenerated down to a lifespan of less than 100 years. We know by the knowledge that God has given to the scientific community that foods high in cholesterol and fats cause heart disease, strokes, and cancer. We have also been given council that meat should not be eaten in the last days. What do you think God wants you to do about this? Write your answer.

9. What other things do you know that are harmful to your body therefore we should not use them?

10. Read 1 Corinthians 10:31. What does it mean to you when it says: “Do all to the glory of God”?

11. What other things might be harmful to us and WHY? Read Philippians 4:8
Certain kinds of music?
Movies, Videos, TV?
Video games?
Books on Black Magic and the occult, and novels?

12. What things, foods, ways or habits do you feel that God wants you to change?

13. Why do you think God wants you to change the things in question 12?

14. Are you willing to trust Jesus and give them up?

Lesson 5 -- Jesus and My Friends

The choice of friends is one of the most important decisions in a young person’s life. The desire to be accepted by peers often outweighs the desire to be a Christian. My brother went away to boarding academy. He wanted to be in with the other guys and was soon led to the wrong crowd. At first it was just ditching classes or going to the beach when they were supposed to be working. Then someone found some cigarettes and of course no one would stand up and say “No!” Soon it was leaving school without permission, going to bars and night clubs, etc. Of course they were expelled but his life continued to go in the same direction. He married a girl who was an atheist and started a family but continued to smoke, drink and do other non-Christian activities. It was not until later in life when his daughter died and his wife left him that he began to turn back to God. If only he had stayed with God how different his life would have been.

1. What does the Bible say about hanging with those who are not Christians?
Proverbs 1:10, 11, 15

Proverbs 13:20

Proverbs 23:17, 20, 21

Proverbs 24:1, 2

Proverbs 22:24, 25

2. What causes us to lose good friends? Proverbs 16:28

3. How can we make and keep friends?
Proverbs 18:24 (KJV)

Proverbs 22:11

4. What does the Bible teach us about how to treat other people?
John 13:34

1 Peter 1:22

5. Can one love someone without being friends with them?

6. What is the difference between being friendly and being friends?

7. Am I able to make and keep friends?

8. Discuss with the class how well you get along with others at school or at work.

9. How well do you get along with your teachers or supervisors?

10. List 4 things we should do in order to have and keep good friends.

Lesson 4 -- Jesus TO Me

We have been learning how to put self aside in favor of letting Jesus take control in our lives. In order for Him to do this we have to listen to Him. Sometimes God speaks to us directly, but mostly He speaks to us through His word. They are His love letters to us.
Many years ago a teenage boy decided to leave home and join the Merchant Marines. He just wanted to get away from His parents and home. At the first mail call it was sort of exciting to get a letter from his mother. It was full of love and council for the young man. Every week he would receive a letter but after a few letters he just cast the letters in his trunk and never read them. As time went on he began to drink alcohol that lead to trouble with other seamen and the captain. After being fired from the Merchant Marines he tried to work but always lost his jobs. He tried women but that didn’t help either. One day, when he was in his late thirties, he received a telegram that his mother had passed away. As he began to grieve for his mother he remembered her letters. Going to the storage he pulled out the old trunk with the letters; letters of council, love, encouragement and advise. If only he had followed her advice he would not be in the condition he was in now. If only…..
God has given us His words of love, encouragement and council. Have you read them lately? They are found in the Bible and there is something for you there every day!

1. What did David say God’s statues (laws, words) were to him? Psalms 119:24

2. How was the Bible given to us? 2 Peter 1:21

3. What does the Bible do for us? 2 Timothy 3:16

The following questions are all taken from Psalms 119
4. What else does God’s word, especially His promises, do for us?
Verse 9

Verse 11

Verse 25

Verse 28

Verses 41, 42

Verse 49

Verse 74

Verse 81

Verse 105

Verse 133

5. What other characteristics do we see in God’s word according to David’s 119th Psalm?
Verse 89

Verse 172

6. Read Psalms 25:4-7. Below, write these 4 verses in your own words. Be specific if you can.

7. Why is it important to you to spend some time everyday reading, studying, writing or memorizing God’s word?

Lesson 3 -- Jesus OR Me

It is awesome that God has forgiven us and that He will work in us to change us to be right with Him. Let us look at the underlying reason why we often fall back into sin. Let’s start from the beginning----

1. Where did sin originate?
By whom? Rev. 12:7

2. Where was Satan sent? Rev. 12:9

3. What was Satan’s basic problem? Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezekiel 28:14, 15, 17

4. Why did Eve eat the forbidden fruit? Genesis 3:6

As we look at those who sinned in the Bible, and look back at our own sins, we find that it is always started by a desire to please self. We say, “It tastes good, “It feels good,” “It makes me feel good about myself” etc. Satan’s knows what buttons to push on each of us to get us to sin.

5. Read Luke 18:18-23 Why didn’t the rich man follow Jesus?

6. What does the Bible tell us about wanting worldly things? 1 John 2:15-17; Matt. 6:33

7. Notice how Paul uses the terms “taking off the old self” and “putting on the new self” Read the following texts:
Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:9, 10

8. What warning did Peter give us? 1 Peter 5:8

Read Romans 6:3-12
9. What is it that has to die?

10. In this passage we are dead to _____________ and alive to ______­­­_______.

This is what baptism is about. It is like burying the old self (under the water), and rising to the new life. It is a public demonstration that this is what has happened to you. (This will be explained more in detail in Lesson 18)

Independence or Dependence
Physically as we grow we go from being completely dependent (on parents) to being completely independent.

As we grow spiritually we do just the opposite; we go from being completely independent to being completely dependent on God.

11. What is it that makes us spiritually mature?

12. In order to be a Christian (follower of Christ), what must we do? Mathew 16:24-26

13. Discuss what choice you have in verses 25 & 26.

14. What will happen to those who depend upon self rather than God? Romans 2:8

Read also John 12:25, 26

15. List below ways that you need to “deny self”.

16. Read 1 Cor. 10:31 and write how you would apply this text to the lesson.

Lesson 2 -- Jesus IN Me

In the last lesson we learned that Jesus took the punishment for our sin and took our guilt away. Now as we begin to trust in Him, He begins to work in us to take the on-going sins out of our lives. Read 1 John 4:4 and 5:4

1. What does God promise to do for us? Jude verse 24

2. A girl who was caught in adultery (having sex with someone she was not married to) was brought to Jesus. Read this story in John 8:3-11. After her accusers left, what did Jesus tell her to do? Verse 11

3. This girl was probably Mary Magdalene. Where do we find Mary after this experience?
Luke 10:38-42
John 12:1-8

4. What does Jesus invite us to do? Matthew 11:28

As we come to Him, He will take away our guilt, sin, burdens and cares and give us rest and peace. What an awesome God!

5. What is the only way we can hope to glorify (to make one to look good) God? Colossians 1:27

6. How do we become filled with the “fruit of righteousness”? Philippians 1:11; 3:9

7. Who will complete the work that God has started in you? Philippians 1:6

8. Who is the only one who can keep us from sinning? Philippians 2:13

9. Notice that it is only those who have a relationship with Jesus that will be kept from sinning. Read 1 John 3:6, 9

10. What sins are produced in us if we live according to our sinful nature (flesh)? Galatians 5:19-21 List them here.

11. What characteristics are produced in our lives if we listen to and follow the Holy Spirit? Galatians 5:22-23
Read also Galatians 5:16, 24-26

12. What choice does Paul give us in Romans 8:1-3?

13. We have to choose between Christ and Satan, between Jesus and self, between the things of God or the things of the world. Read 1 John 2:15-17 and write down who will live forever (have eternal life).

14. Read Philippians 4:8. What kind of things should we think about?

How will this verse help you determine what TV programs to watch, which books to read, and what kind of music to listen to?

15. Is it your desire to let go of the worldly things and invite God to take full control of your life?

16. Give examples of things you want God to take out of your life.

17. Check the things below that will help you to have a close relationship with God.
Watching TV except Christian programming
Reading my Bible with a desire to know Him
Talking to God all day long
Reading novels
Looking at pornography
Telling my friends about Jesus
Hanging with non-Christian friends
Going to church and other church meetings
Going to the movie theater
Hanging out in the bars and night clubs

Lesson 1 -- Jesus Loves Me

1. How did God show you His love? John 3:16

2. If God loves us so much why does He seem so far away?
Isaiah 59:2

3. Have you sinned?

4. What is sin? 1 John 3:4, James 4:17, Romans 14:23b

5. How many have sinned? Romans 3:23

6. What are the consequences of sin? Romans 6:23a

7. Because God & Jesus loves us what did Jesus do? Romans 5:8-10

News commentator, Paul Harvey, tells the following story. It was Christmas Eve. Mother and the children were ready to go to the church for the special program. Father refused to go saying that he was not interested. After Mother and the kids left he sat down near the large front window to read the paper. The wind began to blow and the snow fell. Soon Father heard something hitting the window. Again and again he heard it. Going outside he saw a flock of birds trying to get into shelter and were flying into the window. The birds hit so hard that many of them were killed. Feeling sorry for the birds, Father opened the upper barn doors and turned on the light hoping the birds would go into safety. They continued to fly into the window. He took some grain and made a path of grain into the barn hoping that the birds would eat the grain and go into the barn and safety. They continued to pay no attention to the barn or grain and kept flying into the window. Feeling frustrated Father sat down on the steps to think of how to save the birds. As he sat there the thought came to him, “If only I could become a bird I could lead them into the barn.” At that moment he heard the church bells and realized that is exactly what Jesus did.

8. So how are we saved from sin and eternal death? Ephesians 2:8a

9. What is grace?

Many Christians do not know what grace is. Grace is what God does for us which we do not deserve nor can do for ourselves. Let me illustrate. Suppose that I killed a man and am sentenced to death by a firing squad. I am truly sorry for my actions. The day of my execution arrives and I hear the guards coming for me. They usher in a very well dressed gentleman who proceeds to ask me if I am the one who killed the man. I admit that I did but that I am truly sorry for doing it and accepted the fact that I deserve to die. The gentleman, who turns out is the state governor, hands me a piece of paper and encourages me to read it. The paper is a full pardon without parole! Wow! I did not deserve that. He tells me that I am a free man and lets me leave. He tells me to take off the jail clothes and he gives me his nice suit to wear. As I am going out the main gate of the prison, I hear shots ring out and realize that he took my place! That is grace!

10. So we are saved by grace which is God’s gift to us. What other factor is involved? Ephesians 2:8 a

11. What is faith? Hebrews 11:1

In the Bible there are three words that come from the same root word. These are believe, faith, and trust. God wants us to trust Him, not ourselves, for our salvation. He wants us to trust Him that His laws are for our protection. Read Genesis 3 and notice that Eve’s greatest sin was that she transferred her trust from God to Satan. Have you ever believed Satan’s lies? Tell or write about it.

12. How much of the credit can I take for my salvation? Ephesians 2:8b

13. Will keeping of God’s laws and being a good person get me to heaven? Eph. 2:9

Salvation is a free gift from God. We cannot earn it. Jesus has already paid the price. Our part is to love and trust Him which leads us to obedience.

14. But what about all those sins we have committed? 1 John 1:9

15. How can I keep from sinning? (more on this in lesson 2) Philippians 2:13

16. Are you willing right now to put your trust in God and accept His free gift of salvation?

THOUGHT QUESTION: What is the most important thing that you learned in this lesson?


The purpose of this blog is to help people enter into a relationship with Jesus. Jesus is the answer for today's problems. Jesus is the answer to failed marriages, addictions to alcohol, drugs, and porn. It is by trusting Him that we can solve our financial difficulties. Jesus said "I am the way and the truth and the life" John 14:6

The Jesus and Me lessons shows one how to have that relationship with Jesus, how to learn to trust Him, and what His plans are for your life. They also cover the major themes of the Bible along with prophecies relating to the past and future.

It is my prayer that you find Jesus and then through these lessons introduce others to Him.

About Me

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Milton Freewater, Oregon, United States
Since a young child I have always wanted to tell people about Jesus. My desire was to be a Medical Missionary. As a physical therapist I have led hundreds of people to Him in the US as well as Japan and Russia. I have also served as a pastor in Russia and in Hawaii. I am now retired and still helping Jesus find friends.