Lesson 13 -- Jesus INFORMS Me part 2

In Daniel 2 we saw a great image that the king had dreamed about. The different parts of the image represented the four world kingdoms and then a stone cut out of the mountain fell and crushed the image and the stone became very large and filled the whole earth. This stone represented the kingdom of God at the second coming. So we have the following:

Head of gold ------------------ Babylon
Breast & arms of silver --------Medo-Persia
Belly & thighs of bronze -------Greece
Legs of iron -------------------Rome
Feet of iron & clay ------------Divided countries
Rock crushes the image ------Second Coming

In Daniel 7 we saw four great beasts that come up out of the water. These beasts represent the same four kingdoms as in chapter 2 but add a new component. So we see the following:
Lion ----------------------------Babylon
Bear ----------------------------Medo-Persia
Leopard ------------------------Greece
Terrifying beast ----------------Rome
Little horn --------------------- Papal Rome (religious and civil power out of Rome)
Court sat, books opened --------The Judgment (verses 9, 10)
Son of Man coming -------------Second Coming (verses 13, 14)

Now we are going to see what chapter 8 adds to this picture of the future.
Read all of Daniel 8 before answering the next 7 questions.

1. What did the ram in verse 3 and 4 represent? See verse 20

2. What country followed Medo-Persia? Verse 21 Note that Alexander the Great died at an early age and his four generals divided up the country.

3. In verse 9 another horn emerges. What do you think this stands for? See the lists above.
Note the characteristics of this horn. Verses 11, 12 It magnified itself to be equal with _____________; It removed the _______________________. It threw down His (Christ’s) _______________; threw _______________ to the ground.

4. In what ways has the papal Rome power fulfilled this prophecy?

5. What was to happen at the end of the 2300 days (years)? Verse 14

Note: In Bible time prophecies, one day equals one year.
Note: the earthly sanctuary was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70 and remains in ruins to this day so this cannot be talking about the earthly sanctuary.

6. Where is the real Sanctuary? Hebrews 8:1, 2

Read all of Daniel 9 before continuing. The first half of Daniel 9 is Daniel’s prayer of confession for his people the Jews. Note how he includes himself as a sinner also. In verses 21-23 the angel Gabriel comes to Daniel to explain the vision---the vision of Daniel 8.
How much time did God give to the Jews to put an end to sin? Verse 24 Note: 70 weeks times 7 days per week = 490 days or years.

7. When would this time prophecy begin? Verse 25

Note: The command to rebuild Jerusalem was given in 457 BC.

8. How much time would lapse until the Messiah came? Verse 25
Note: 7 weeks + 62 weeks = 69 weeks (69 weeks x 7 days per week) = 483 days or years. 483-457+1 (because there was no 0 year) brings us to AD 27—the year Jesus was baptized.

9. What would happen to the Messiah after that? Verse 26

10. How long would the Messiah confirm the agreement with the people? Verse 27

11. What would the Messiah do in the middle of the week? Verse 27

Below the time line that follows, write on the slanted lines the events that were to happen.

457BC 27AD 30AD 34AD 1844

[_____490 years (Daniel 9) _____]

[______________2300 years (Daniel 8)_________________]

Medo-Persia __][____ Rome ________][____Papal Rome __]

In review we see the following:
Four world powers were to follow Daniel’s first vision.
The Messiah would come between the time of pagan Rome and papal Rome.
The sanctuary would be cleansed and the judgment would take place.
Jesus would come and set up His kingdom (2nd coming).

In lesson 14 we will learn more about the reign of papal Rome and the end of time.

About Me

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Milton Freewater, Oregon, United States
Since a young child I have always wanted to tell people about Jesus. My desire was to be a Medical Missionary. As a physical therapist I have led hundreds of people to Him in the US as well as Japan and Russia. I have also served as a pastor in Russia and in Hawaii. I am now retired and still helping Jesus find friends.