Read all of Daniel 2 before answering the next 8 questions.
1. What nationality was Daniel, where was he, and what position did he have?
2. Why couldn't the other advisers tell the king his dream and interpretation?
3. What did King Nebuchadnezzar dream? He saw a great ____________ which had: Head of ___________; Arms and chest of ___________; Belly of ___________; Legs of _________; and feet of _______ and ________.
4. What happened to the image?
5. What did Daniel say the head of gold represented?
6. What do you think the rest of the statue parts represent?
Statue body part Nation Years (from History)
Head of Gold Babylon 606-538 BC
Chest and arms of Silver Medo-Persia 539-330 BC
Belly and thighs of Brass Greece 330-63 BC
Legs of Iron Rome 63 BC – 300? AD
Feet of Iron & Clay European nations 300? to present
7. What does the rock “cut out without hands” represent?
8. Has that happened yet? yes no
Read all of Daniel 7 before answering the rest of the questions.
9. What do the following symbols represent in prophecy:
Sea or Waters? Isa. 17:12; Rev. 17:15
The four beasts? Dan. 7:17
Comparing the prophecy of Daniel 2, 7, 8, 9 and Revelation 13 it can be determined that the four beasts of Dan 7 are the same nations/powers as in Daniel 2. See above chart. Note the characteristics of each beast and how that nation fits the description.
10. What are the characteristics of the four beasts of Daniel 7?
Lion---Wings of an ________ (wing represent speed)
Stood up and had a heart like a _________
Bear--Higher on one side, ribs in it’s _____________
Leopard---Four ___________ and four ____________
Terrible beast---____________, ___________, ____________, iron teeth, destructive, 10 horns (horns represent leaders or divisions)
Little Horn--- uprooted 3 horns, eyes of a man, spoke __________
11. In the middle of the section about the little horn what event takes place? See the last sentence of verse 10 and compare with verses 21, 22, 26
12. What else will this little horn power do? verse 25
Note: this little horn power had both civil and ecclesiastical powers
13. What power came out of Rome and had the above characteristics?
14. Who will inherit the everlasting Kingdom?
In Daniel 2 we learned:
· There would be four world kingdoms
· These nations that would not stick together
· God would set up His Kingdom after these nations
In Daniel 7 we learned:
That the same nations were represented
A time of judgment comes before Jesus appears.
Who the little horn power is that came out of Rome.
Daniel 8, 9, and Revelation 13 give us even a more clear picture of the future events. We will look at these prophecies in the next two lessons.