Lesson 7 -- Jesus PROTECTS Me

The Bible promises that God will be with us and never leave us. God also says that He will send His angels to guard us and protect us. But does that mean that no matter what we do that God will protect us. What if we choose to jump off a high building? Will He carry us down and gently place us on the ground?
Notice how Satan tempted Jesus after His baptism. Read from Mathew 4:5-7. “Then the devil took Him to the holy city and had Him stand on the highest point of the temple.
‘If you are the Son of God,’ he said, ‘throw yourself down. For it is written: "'He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.'"
Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'" The sin of putting God to the test like this is called presumption, coming from the word to presume. We presume that God will take care of us even though we do foolish things.
In this lesson we want to learn how God protects us. (Fill in the blanks)

1. “You are my __________ ___________ and my __________; I hope in Your ________. Depart from me, you evildoers, for I will keep the _________________of my God!” Psalms 119:114,115

2. God has given us laws to protect us. His Ten Commandment law protects our relationship with God and man. When you were a child your parents told you not to cross the street without looking both ways. Why? To keep you from being hit! Look up the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 and write how each law protects us and these relationships.

Relationship to God:
1st “You shall have no other gods before Me” _____________________________________________

2nd “You shall not make or worship idols” _____________________________________

3rd "You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain "_____________________________

4th “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy" ________________________________

Relationship to others:
5th “Honor your father and mother” ________________________________________________________________

6th “You shall not murder” _______________________________________________

7th “You shall not commit adultery” _________________________________________

8th “You shall not steal” _________________________________________________

9th “You shall not bear false witness” (lie) ____________________________________

10th “You shall not covet” (want what others have) _____________________________

As you can see from the above, God gave us His laws to protect us and our relationships. Why then is it so hard to keep His law? It is because we do not know and love Him as we should.

3. Write 1 John 5:3 in your own words ___________________________________________________________________

Before I was married I roomed with my wife’s brother. She did his laundry for him. What do you think she would have said if I asked her brother to ask her to do my laundry? She probably would has said, “Tell him to do his own laundry!” But after our marriage she loved to do my laundry, why? ________________________________________________________

4. In addition to our protection what else does God’s ten commandment law do for us? Romans 3:20 (last part) _________________________________________________

5. Since we are saved by grace through faith, does that mean that the law is done away with? Romans 3:31 Yes No (circle one)

6. What commandment do most other churches ignore? (see Exodus 20:8-11) __________

7. Can you see why God gave us His laws? Is it your desire to love Him so much that you will love to obey Him and always trust Him? Yes No (circle one)

8. Why is our obedience important to God? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

About Me

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Milton Freewater, Oregon, United States
Since a young child I have always wanted to tell people about Jesus. My desire was to be a Medical Missionary. As a physical therapist I have led hundreds of people to Him in the US as well as Japan and Russia. I have also served as a pastor in Russia and in Hawaii. I am now retired and still helping Jesus find friends.