Lesson 4 -- Jesus TO Me

We have been learning how to put self aside in favor of letting Jesus take control in our lives. In order for Him to do this we have to listen to Him. Sometimes God speaks to us directly, but mostly He speaks to us through His word. They are His love letters to us.
Many years ago a teenage boy decided to leave home and join the Merchant Marines. He just wanted to get away from His parents and home. At the first mail call it was sort of exciting to get a letter from his mother. It was full of love and council for the young man. Every week he would receive a letter but after a few letters he just cast the letters in his trunk and never read them. As time went on he began to drink alcohol that lead to trouble with other seamen and the captain. After being fired from the Merchant Marines he tried to work but always lost his jobs. He tried women but that didn’t help either. One day, when he was in his late thirties, he received a telegram that his mother had passed away. As he began to grieve for his mother he remembered her letters. Going to the storage he pulled out the old trunk with the letters; letters of council, love, encouragement and advise. If only he had followed her advice he would not be in the condition he was in now. If only…..
God has given us His words of love, encouragement and council. Have you read them lately? They are found in the Bible and there is something for you there every day!

1. What did David say God’s statues (laws, words) were to him? Psalms 119:24

2. How was the Bible given to us? 2 Peter 1:21

3. What does the Bible do for us? 2 Timothy 3:16

The following questions are all taken from Psalms 119
4. What else does God’s word, especially His promises, do for us?
Verse 9

Verse 11

Verse 25

Verse 28

Verses 41, 42

Verse 49

Verse 74

Verse 81

Verse 105

Verse 133

5. What other characteristics do we see in God’s word according to David’s 119th Psalm?
Verse 89

Verse 172

6. Read Psalms 25:4-7. Below, write these 4 verses in your own words. Be specific if you can.

7. Why is it important to you to spend some time everyday reading, studying, writing or memorizing God’s word?

About Me

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Milton Freewater, Oregon, United States
Since a young child I have always wanted to tell people about Jesus. My desire was to be a Medical Missionary. As a physical therapist I have led hundreds of people to Him in the US as well as Japan and Russia. I have also served as a pastor in Russia and in Hawaii. I am now retired and still helping Jesus find friends.