Lesson 6 -- Jesus OWNS Me

As you realize by now, it is hard to let self die and to let Jesus take control of our lives. Even when we accept Jesus as our Savior we still hold on to some things which we want to control. One of those things is our bodies.
A man admitted himself to a health enhancement program. He wanted to lose weight, feel better, and be free from back pain. The man had a complete physical and was put on a program of natural foods, exercise, and physical therapy. When he was going over the treatment plan with the doctor the man said, “You can do anything you want with me except take away my pain medication.” The doctor knew that the patient was addicted to his pain medication and that the withdrawal symptom of the drug was back pain. He also knew that the patient would not improve in health unless the pain medication was stopped yet the patient was not willing to let it go.
How that is like us! God knows what is best for us yet there are things we won’t let go. “Lord, you can have me, but don’t touch my food!” “Lord, I love you, but if I have to give up my lifestyle my friends will leave me.” Sound familiar? Let’s see what God says.

1. To whom does our body belong? 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20; 1 Corinthians 3:23

2. In the text above, why can God claim this?

3. What is the meaning of “your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit”?

Notice also verse 18. Paul is talking about what kind of sin?

God is interested in our wellness, our happiness, and our protection from Satan. He loves you and wants all these things for you. Therefore, we must trust that He knows what is best for us.

4. Read 1 Peter 1:13-15. God, speaking through Peter, lists at least 6 things we should do. How many can you find?

5. God made our bodies so He knows what is good for us. What did He make for us to eat? Genesis 1:29

6. After the flood, God allowed man to eat meat. Why?

If you look at Genesis 11, you will see how after the flood, man’s lifespan became much shorter. Adam lived over 900 years and Abraham lived only 175 years.

7. What does He say we should not eat?
Leviticus 3:17
Leviticus 11:7
Leviticus 1l:10

8. Since the flood we have degenerated down to a lifespan of less than 100 years. We know by the knowledge that God has given to the scientific community that foods high in cholesterol and fats cause heart disease, strokes, and cancer. We have also been given council that meat should not be eaten in the last days. What do you think God wants you to do about this? Write your answer.

9. What other things do you know that are harmful to your body therefore we should not use them?

10. Read 1 Corinthians 10:31. What does it mean to you when it says: “Do all to the glory of God”?

11. What other things might be harmful to us and WHY? Read Philippians 4:8
Certain kinds of music?
Movies, Videos, TV?
Video games?
Books on Black Magic and the occult, and novels?

12. What things, foods, ways or habits do you feel that God wants you to change?

13. Why do you think God wants you to change the things in question 12?

14. Are you willing to trust Jesus and give them up?

About Me

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Milton Freewater, Oregon, United States
Since a young child I have always wanted to tell people about Jesus. My desire was to be a Medical Missionary. As a physical therapist I have led hundreds of people to Him in the US as well as Japan and Russia. I have also served as a pastor in Russia and in Hawaii. I am now retired and still helping Jesus find friends.