Lesson 8 -- Jesus WITH me

Jesus loved to be with people. In fact one of the reasons He came to earth was to be with His children and lead them back to His Father. Jesus chose twelve disciples and was with them almost constantly before His ascension. Jesus loves to be with us! He wants to talk with us. He wants to hear your praise, your sorrows, your weaknesses and your concerns. How much time are you spending with Jesus?

1. What did Jesus often do? Mark 1:35

2. What example did the Bereans set for us? Acts 17:11

Jesus spends time with us when we study our Bibles and pray.
How do you think He feels when we don’t have time for Him every day?

3. Time with God is Holy time. What other time does God want us to spend with Him?
Exodus 20:8, 9

4. Since this time is important to God, what did He say not to do? Exodus 20:10 _______ Why?

5. God made the Sabbath at the end of creation week. What day was it? Genesis 2:1, 2

6. What two things did God do to the Sabbath or seventh day?

Some translations use the word “Sanctified” which means to make Holy. Things are Holy when God’s presence is in it. Only God can make something Holy!

7. Why was this day a special Holy day (holiday)? Exodus 20:11

8. Read the story in Numbers 15:32-36. What is wrong with gathering wood on the Sabbath?

9. Why do you think the punishment was so severe?

10. What example did Jesus give us in regard to the Sabbath? Luke 4:16

11. For whom was the Sabbath made? Mark 2:27 Why?

Most Christians believe that the Sabbath is on Sunday. Look at a calendar and count the days from the first day of the week to the last. What day is the seventh day?

12. Jesus died on Friday (some churches call it Good Friday). What is that day called in the Bible? Luke 23:54 Why?

13. According to the above text, what was the next day?

14. What did the women and the disciples do on Saturday, the Sabbath? verse 56

15. What happened on Sunday, the first day of the week? Luke 24:1-3

Nowhere in the Bible does it tell us that the Sabbath was changed from Saturday, the seventh day to Sunday the first day. It was changed by order of Constantine and the church leaders several hundred years later.
The Jews kept the Sabbath and they still do, but they made lots of rules on what the people cannot do on the Sabbath. For instance, they could not walk more than one half mile on the Sabbath. They could carry one handkerchief, but could not carry two as that would be work. They accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath when he healed people on the Sabbath.

16. Read Mark 2:23, 24 The church leaders (Pharisees) accused Jesus and the disciples of breaking the Sabbath. What were they doing?

Notice, the Pharisees where concerned about their interpretation of the law, but Jesus and the disciples were concerned about being together. We too can make up rules on how to keep the Sabbath but remember that the reason for the Sabbath is for us to spend time with Jesus.

Listed below are some activities. Which ones will take our attention away from Jesus and which ones will help us spend time with Him? Cross out the ones that will keep you from spending time with Jesus. Discuss your answers with your friends.
Watching TV
Playing Bible games
Watching Christians videos
Dirt bike riding
Hanging out with friends and playing games
Helping the poor and sick
Going to church
Working to support your family
Sharing Jesus with your neighbors
Cooking food for a Saturday night party
Going for a ride or hike in nature to see what God has made

What have you learned from this lesson that you did not understand before?

About Me

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Milton Freewater, Oregon, United States
Since a young child I have always wanted to tell people about Jesus. My desire was to be a Medical Missionary. As a physical therapist I have led hundreds of people to Him in the US as well as Japan and Russia. I have also served as a pastor in Russia and in Hawaii. I am now retired and still helping Jesus find friends.