Lesson 14 -- Jesus INFORMS Me part 3

We will now turn our attention to the book of Revelation in the New Testament.
Please read Revelation 13:1-10.

1. What similarities do you see between this vision of John and the vision of Daniel in Daniel 7.

The Beast(s) came up out of the ____________. Dan. 7:3; Revelation 13:1

2. What other similarities do you see? Daniel 7:4-6; Revelation 13:2

3. What characteristics do you see in both Daniel 7:25 and Revelation 13:5-7?
a. “Spoke ___________________________”
b. “Made war with the _________________”
c. For how long? Dan 7:25 _____________ Rev. 13:5 _____________

Remember that in prophecy one day equals one year. Also in Bible times there were 30 days in one month and 360 days in one year. Note that in Revelation 13:5 the 42 months equals 1260 days or 1260 prophetic years. In Daniel 7:25 the term “time” is used. A time equals one year, times equals 2 years, and a half of time equals one half year, thus 3 ½ years give us 1260 days or 1260 prophetic years.

4. What political/religious power rose out of Rome that controlled most of Europe?

5. Who gave this beast its authority?

6. Who is the dragon? Rev. 12:9

7. What happened to the beast power? Rev. 13:3 It received a fatal ___________________.

8. What happened to the beast power after the 1260 years? Rev. 13:3, 12

9. After this papal power was healed and returned, how did the whole world react?

Read Revelation 13:11-18

10. In this vision the beast (animal) came up out the _____________.

Remember that water represents peoples (Rev. 17:15).

11. If water represents people and multitudes what do you think the “land” represents?

The beast power (papal) of Rev. 13:1-10 came to an end after the 42 months (1260 years) Don’t forget the principal that one day in prophecy means one year. 42 months X 30 days per month = 1260 days/years. The papacy gained its authority to rule in 538 and lost it authority in 1798, exactly 1260 years.

12. What country of small population was beginning to emerge around the end of this time?

13. What was the characteristic of this new beast? Rev. 13:11
Two _____________.
Was like a ________________.
Spoke like a ___________.

14. What did this new beast cause the people to do? Verse 12

15. What other things did this beast cause to happen?
Verse 14 It _________________;
Verse 15 Kills those who do not worship the ____________________.
Verse 16 To receive a __________ in the ____________ or _________________.

Remember that the book of Revelation is written in symbols. This is not a literal mark but means the following:
Mark in the hand = handshake. Those who go along with the beast power even though they do not believe it. They do this to avoid being killed.
Mark on the head = believes in the beast power and what it stands for.

16. What is the number of the beast’s name? Verse 18. If you add the Roman numbers of the name written on the Pope’s miter, VICARIUS FILII DEA it equals 666!

17. What are the characteristics of God’s people at this time? Revelation 14:12 "They keep the _____________________ of God and have the ______________ of ______________."

18. What commands of God did this papal power change? Exodus 20:4-11

19. Read the story of Daniel’s three friends in Daniel 3. Are you willing to be faithful to God’s commandments even though persecuted or threatened to be killed?

20. How does one receive the “faith of Jesus”? Romans 10:17

About Me

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Milton Freewater, Oregon, United States
Since a young child I have always wanted to tell people about Jesus. My desire was to be a Medical Missionary. As a physical therapist I have led hundreds of people to Him in the US as well as Japan and Russia. I have also served as a pastor in Russia and in Hawaii. I am now retired and still helping Jesus find friends.